Islamic Education


Islamic Education Building

We have seperate building for an Islamic education. All classrooms are well organized and have under supervision of the CCTV camera. We have enough staff for all Islamic courses. We conducts an islamic courses like Alim, Hafiz, Qari and Basic Nazra Course.

Class Room

We have separate class room facility as per course and also we divide students by limited number per room. So student have can feel comfortable and have more space. Each class is under the supervision of Teacher. Due to strict limit of student per class teacher can know every student personally and find out problems and provide solution to them as per need.

Islamic Education

Students are divides Into Bench

Students are divided into benches of small groups of students so average student have complete attention and average student also can get help from clever stduents.

Compulsory Basic Islamic Course

We have rule that Basic Islamic Nazra course is compulsory for all student who entered in this institute. We believe that each and every Muslim must have Basic knowledge of Religion. so in our institute we have primary concept to spread Islamic knowledge.


Free of cost all Islamic courses and Resident Facilities

We provides free of cost an Islamic education and Hostel Facility for students, so financial backward people can be apart of this institute and get education. We provides all basic needs free of cost like Clothes, Light meal, Bed, Books, Uniform etc…

Computer and English education to an Islamic courses students

We have rule that Basic Islamic Nazra course is compulsory for all student who entered in this institute. We believe that each and every Muslim must have Basic knowledge of Religion. So in our institute we have primary concept to spread Islamic knowledge.


Qualified And Responsible Faculties

We have experienced and Qualified Facutlies for all an Islamic courses. All are expert and experienced to deliver education with best and easiest way to student.

National Festival Celebration

We celebrate all national festivals joy and arrange various competitions and games. We always try to enforce nationalism and Indian valuation to student.
